Monday, 11 April 2011

Highlighting the good things in Government...

I've just come across a superb post by Richard Kemp written about a week ago, I think he has it spot on.  Since being in Government we've too easily taken the apologetic route, saying sorry for the bad things that we are being forced to do without enough emphasis on some of the very good things we've done in Government.  Richard highlights two in particular that he believes (and I agree) wouldn't have happened without Lib Dem ministers being part of the Cabinet:
  • Increasing the personal allowance thresholds to lift a total of 1.2million people out of tax all together.
  • Restoring the earnings link to pensions - in fact triple locking them along with inflation so that they will never rise by less than the highest of inflation, earnings or 2.5%.
These are excellent points to be highlighting, I am pleased to see that he has put space on his local leaflets to draw attention to these issues.  There is also so much more that could be pointed to, particularly in relation to civil liberties.  It is good to see so many people still out on the streets campaigning not just for themselves locally but also nationally.  It is for reasons like this that I am proud to be giving up my time to help spread the message.

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